[IGN] "Scrapper" MASTERPIEC, game review: an unforgettable gaming experience
"Scrapper" is a masterpiece that cannot be faulted in every aspect. If you've never played a top-down 2D game, I highly recommend giving this game a try. "Scrapper" is a well-deserved masterpiece. Every design in the game always reveals the developer's sophisticated thinking and huge ambition. The producers have carefully presented a perfect open world to the players, placing a variety of elements in front of them for players to explore.
We haven't called any game a "masterpiece" in nearly ten years, but now we have a reason to call this one a masterpiece. Based on my 130 hours of play, Scrapper is one of the best games I've ever seen. The gameplay is quite deep, with well-arranged plot performances (?), interesting decryption settings (?), and thrilling storyline (?). A walk through this wilderness will amaze players. We believe that "Scrapper" will definitely be a strong contender for game of the year.
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【IGN】『スクラッパー』MASTERPIEC、ゲームレビュー: 忘れられないゲーム体験
『スクラッパー』はあらゆる面で非の打ちどころのない傑作だ。 2D ゲームをプレイしたことがない場合は、このゲームを試してみることを強くお勧めします。 「スクラッパー」は、当然の傑作であり、ゲーム内のあらゆるデザインには、開発者の洗練された思考と大きな野心が常に表れています。 プロデューサーはプレイヤーに完璧なオープンワールドを慎重に提示し、プレイヤーが探索できるさまざまな要素を目の前に配置しました。
ここ 10 年近く、どのゲームも「傑作」と呼んでいませんでしたが、今作を傑作と呼ぶ理由ができました。 私の 130 時間のプレイによれば、Scrapper は私がこれまで見た中で最高のゲームの 1 つです。 緻密にアレンジされたプロット演出(?)、興味深い解読設定(?)、スリリングなストーリー展開(?)など、ゲームプレイは非常に奥が深いです。 この荒野を歩くと、プレイヤーは畏怖の念を抱くでしょう。 私たちは、「Scrapper」が間違いなくゲーム オブ ザ イヤーの強力な候補になると信じています。
[IGN] "Scrapper" MASTERPIEC, game review: an unforgettable gaming experience
"Scrapper" is a masterpiece that cannot be faulted in every aspect. If you've never played a top-down 2D game, I highly recommend giving this game a try. "Scrapper" is a well-deserved masterpiece. Every design in the game always reveals the developer's sophisticated thinking and huge ambition. The producers have carefully presented a perfect open world to the players, placing a variety of elements in front of them for players to explore.
We haven't called any game a "masterpiece" in nearly ten years, but now we have a reason to call this one a masterpiece. Based on my 130 hours of play, Scrapper is one of the best games I've ever seen. The gameplay is quite deep, with well-arranged plot performances (?), interesting decryption settings (?), and thrilling storyline (?). A walk through this wilderness will amaze players. We believe that "Scrapper" will definitely be a strong contender for game of the year.
【IGN】《Scrapper 》10分 评测:令人难忘的游戏体验
从各个角度来说,《Scrapper 》都是一款挑毛病比找优点困难的佳作。如果你从来没有玩过一款俯视角的2D游戏,我会十分推荐你尝试一下这款神作。《Scrapper 》是当之无愧的大师之作,游戏中的每一处设计都时刻透露着开发者精密的思考与庞大的野心。制作人为玩家们精心呈献了一个完美的开放世界,将各种各样的元素摆在眼前让玩家探索
将近十年,IGN没有给任何一款游戏打过10分,但现在,我们找到了给本作打出10分的理由。根据我130个小时的游玩,《Scrapper 》就是我见过最好的游戏之一。游戏玩法颇具深度,精心安排的剧情演出(?),有趣的解密设置(?),令人惊心动魄的故事(?)情节。漫步在这荒野当中能让玩家赞叹不已。我们相信,《Scrapper 》绝对会是年度游戏的有力竞争者。